Blog Posts Page

Blog Posts Page

This page will be consist of blog posts that are related to our products and services. All contents that will be posted here are facts supported by an external link or citation from an electronic article.

For a recap, the D&M Green Designs and Systems is a company that offers a service package for green technologies and architectural designs. We sell products for Solar System, install other green technologies, and design eco-friendly houses and buildings. In addition to it, we also promote the idea of creating green spaces and building sustainable communities. In short, we are not just a company for profit but also an organization with an initiative and advocacy to people and the environment.

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Mankind and Electricity

Man and Electricity

The relationship between mankind and electricity is strong. In fact, Electricity has helped mankind for a long time. In short, electricity is the greatest invention for mankind. We have been using it extensively and it has helped us a lot. From bringing convenience to our households, and traveling from place to place, to using medical equipment to patients, the application of electricity is truly broad.


The Electricity that we used at home ranges from small appliances to bigger ones. Those appliances may include an electric fan, air-conditioner, refrigerator, personal computer, television, refrigerator, and many more.


Similarly, in the field of transportation, vehicles today use electricity to operate. For example, airplanes, modern trains, ships, and cruise ships, and buses. Through electricity, our travel time will be faster, and our convenience will not be compromised.


Likewise in the medicinal field, we use high-end technologies that run on electricity. For instance, the x-ray machine, ECG, CT scan, incubator, and other medical tools. Certainly, because of electricity, checking people’s health conditions is now easier, faster, and more accurate.

Sources of Electricity

Before we experience these benefits, we should first examine how electrical energy is being generated.

There are many ways to produce electricity. Moreover, there are two sources of generation: renewable and non-renewable. For non-renewable energy, to produce electricity, we burn coal and fossil fuel. On the other hand, for renewable energy, we harnessed electricity from waterfalls, sunlight, and wind.

In conclusion, electricity has been of large help to people, and for the days to come, we might be needing it more. However, we should not compromise our environment for the sake of progress and comfort. We should prioritize nature first before taking a leap to technological advancement.


Our company offers solar energy to your homes and industries. Interested? visit the link below for more information:

Greenhouse Gas Effects on Earth

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The greenhouse gas effects on Earth have been harmful. And. It has caused a lot of headaches, especially for the environmentalist organization, eco-minded individuals, and other concerned citizens and parties. Now, if this effect will continue, and become worse, human health will be in danger.

Meanwhile, a critic has asked about how can a 2-degrees increase in temperature affects the life of a human. Then, Dr. Aaron Bernstein – a climate change expert- answered. He mentioned that there will be a rise in sea level, disruption of the food supply, flooding, and an increase in infectious diseases.

Rising Sea Levels

When there is a rise in sea levels, it will have mainly two effects. Firstly, the saltwater will contaminate the water drinking supply of the people in the affected area. Resulting in diseases like diarrhea, food poisoning, dehydration, and other related complications. Secondly, people who live in low-lying areas will be displaced. In effect, those same people will have a higher chance of developing poor health.

Rising Temperatures

A rise in temperature will also lead to some serious consequences. One of them is drought which interrupts the individual’s way of life. Through it, crop yields will decrease, and the power supply and water supply will not be enough for the community. Additionally, there will also be an increase in heat-related deaths, and wildfire incidents will be more often than usual.

Increase Precipitation

Since a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture than a colder one, it will need more time before it reaches its capacity. Thus, at this moment when the rain comes, it will become overwhelming to us all. Floods will be deadly and it may destroy building properties and crops which may result in a large amount of damage.

In conclusion, the abundance of Greenhouse gases contributes to global warming and climate change. However, we can still mitigate its effect and resolve the root cause of the problem by reducing the amount of harmful Greenhouse gas effects on Earth and its atmosphere. All we have to do is be mindful and responsible for our actions. We should go for alternatives such as using Green technology and reducing our carbon footprints.

Time is ticking, whether we make a resolution or not, it is up to us.

Visit the link to know more about our eco-friendly solutions:


The Effects of Greenhouse Gas

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One of the many benefits of adapting to Green Technology, especially Solar PV Technology, is its impact on the environment. Solar PV System produces Greenhouse Gas only when building its components and delivering it to the actual site for installation. So using technology that emits fewer Greenhouse Gases is essential in mitigating its Greenhouse effects and restoring the Earth to its former glory.

Greenhouse Gas

But before diving deeper into using Green Technology, let us first examine and define the concepts behind Greenhouse Gas. Greenhouse gas is a harmful gas that traps the heat from the sunlight into the Earth’s Atmosphere. It commonly has three types, and they are Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide, and Methane. Furthermore, we produce greenhouse gas whenever we burn plastics, fossil fuels, and oil. And when there is already too much Greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, it becomes harmful to all the organisms in the world, including us – humans. According to the science community, Greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming and climate change which we are experiencing today.

History of Carbon Dioxide

During the industrial revolution, Carbon Dioxide is said to have increased to 100ppm (parts per million). This figure is equivalent to 40% more as compared to how much it was millions of years ago. This increase would normally take on a span of 5,000 to 20,000 years but in today’s case, it only took 26 years to make it happen. This abrupt change is overwhelming to all of us, and it has already affected the environment in many ways. The icebergs are melting faster than ever causing the rise of seawater which in turn affects the lives of marine mammals.

In conclusion, the future of all living things will depend on how humans mitigate the effects of destructive activities. It is up to us whether we start today, later, or when it’s too late already.


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