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We at D&M Green Designs and Systems offer our products and services to everyone who wants to have a Solar PV System in their house and businesses. Additionally, we will be doing the procedure, from planning to execution.

Benefits of Solar Energy System

Solar PV Systems have many advantages and all of these directly benefit mankind and the environment.

There are five common benefits of installing Solar PV Technology, and these are the following:

  1. It uses renewable energy as a source. Sunlight is a form of renewable energy source. Meaning, it will never run out for several million or billion of years. Unlike the non-renewable source which often produces many pollutions, the renewable source also produces little to no pollution at all.
  2. It reduces your electric bill. Solar energy is free and in tropical countries like the Philippines, sunlight is an abundance. As a result, Solar PV technology is more useful in the country, and in this set-up, the Solar Panel will be able to collect more solar energy. Thus, consumers can now use primarily the electricity coming from the Solar thereby lowering electric bills and saving money.
  3. It has diverse applications. Solar PV Systems can produce enough energy for diverse applications, including seawater filtering for drinking.
  4. It has low maintenance costs. Solar PV Systems can last up to 25 years if taken care of. Additionally, its maintenance only involves cleaning the solar panel with wet rags and replacing the damaged equipment with newer ones. Unlike diesel generator which requires fuel to function, a Solar PV System does not need anything except for sunlight.
  5. It is technological advancement. The industry of Solar PV Technology is still developing despite its existence for several decades ago. Today, scientists and engineers continue to incorporate new innovations in this technology.

Check out our other products with this link: https://dmgreendesigns.com/product/

Resources: https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/blog/2014/08/5-advantages-and-5-disadvantages-of-solar-energy

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